Delivering fast turnarounds & expert solutions
Virus, Phishing & Malware
Our measures eliminate malicious software and prevent future attacks to keep your devices protected. Don’t let viruses and malware slow you down – let us take care of it for you!

Personal Users
So, your device is infected?
Before we talk to you about improving your computer security and protection, Brisbane IT experts Sol Technology can get you back on track by removing the offending viruses and malware and return your device ready for action
Don’t leave it too late –if not dealt with correctly, your system may be susceptible to further malware infections. It is very important not to enter any sensitive data into the device after the infection starts, as this data may be compromised.
Call us today for emergency IT support – our Mobile IT support means we can come to you
Business Users
Business owners like you often know they need better protection from malware and phishing scams but the day to day running of the business often means it is something that remains on the ‘to-do’ list.
Then suddenly, due to lack of this IT maintenance and planning, your server crashes, your website gets hacked or an unsuspecting employee clicks on a malware link and all your company information is suddenly available to a cyber criminal.
These are no longer issues only seen in the movies. It happens daily to unprepared Australian businesses.
Need to know more about what could happen?
Read more about cyber criminals targeting small businesses.
While, these days it can be hard to avoid the ever-increasing phishing scams, better planning can help keep your information secure.
Brisbane IT experts Sol Technology can offer security tips for evading phishing and recognising electronic scam attempts. We can alert you to threats you didn’t know existed and show you how to avoid them and the chaos and disruption they can cause.
We can recommend low-cost, high-protection options which can help you get virus free and protected, quickly and easily.